
Becoming A High Value Woman In Your Relationship Masterclass


Rebrand and equip yourself for a successful romantic relationship.


In this Masterclass, you will:

  • Learn who a High-Value Woman is
  • Gain clarity on your wheel of life and how it affects your value
  • Explore what improvement of yourself looks like
  • Learn to accept your imperfections
  • Learn how to become a High-Value Woman


Who is Kaka Amanoh and why you should listen to her:

Kaka Amanoh is a certified Etiquette Educator and Lifestyle Coach. She’s married to a loving husband and has a beautiful son. She educates, coaches and counsels women, to improve themselves by cultivating and imbibing valuable traits in various sectors of etiquette, virtues, and lifestyle; to help put them on the path to achieving their life goals and dreams. She has worked with varying individuals and organizations. She holds an LL.B, a B.L, and several certifications in etiquette, lifestyle, image consulting, makeup & skincare, relationship counselling, fitness, culinary arts, homemaking and interior decoration.

She dedicates her spare time to mentoring young women, volunteering and promoting the well-being of women and children in Nigeria, and other parts of the world. She enjoys creating new recipes in her kitchen on free days; trying out delicious cuisine, having great wine, and nourishing conversations with friends and family, on nights out; and hot cups of tea and a good read on nights in.

Etiquette, Lifestyle and Femininity are all things Kaka Amanoh shines on on her platforms. She also shares useful elegance tips, homemaking hacks, mommy moments and links and reviews of her favourite brands.

Follow her on Instagram here.

Watch ‘5 Things Elegant Women Never Do at The Talking Stage’ on her YouTube Channel


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