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FAQs about Elegance

Answers to questions are one of those things that give some sort of happiness. Elegance is becoming a mainstay word and I’m here to clarify thoughts you might have about elegance. I have curated below 5 questions that cover some of the questions I’ve received over the years as an elegance coach. I’ll also be linking to other articles and videos that have been done by me that explain some of these questions further.

  1. What is elegance?

Elegance is refined grace and propriety. Someone who is elegant can be described as one who carries themselves with poise and in a sophisticated manner. Other descriptions could be one who is pleasingly gracious and polished in their daily living. Being elegant is not just about being classy and having a fashionable dress sense. It is a mindset shift that shows through one’s behaviour and dressing.

  1. Is elegance luxury?

Elegance isn’t luxury. You don’t have to break the bank to be elegant. But elegance can involve luxury. Elegant luxury is not showy, flashy or complicated. Elegant luxury places an emphasis on quality items over fake or over-the-top expensive items. It could also be as simple as being more attentive to the types of fabric you wear, the items you use in decorating your space, the dishware you use etc. I made a video on this. Do check it out here.

  1. Is elegance linked to my appearance?

Of course not. This is a common misconception among many people. Elegance is an all-around concept and not fixated on one part of being a woman. Appearance is just one part of being an elegant woman. There’s the part about having elegant virtues and I shared it here.

  1. Do men really understand elegance?

Yes, they do! A while ago, my community wanted to get the perspective of a man on elegance. So my husband, kindly came on my channel to answer some of their questions. They do understand elegance and femininity. You should watch it here.

  1. I’m a mother to two boys and I really don’t know where to start with all this talk of elegance. What do I do?

Hi yummy mummy, you are doing a great job raising your children. It is also important to look after yourself and that’s where the ‘talk’ about elegance comes in. Being elegant is not something you should be afraid of. You need to identify what works for you in this current season of your life. I delved into being elegant as a mum here. Do watch and see how you can practice self-care and invest in yourself as a mum. You can watch the video here and read the article here.

Do you have more questions for me? Please leave them in the comment section below.

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