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A Guide to Holiday Dos and Don’ts

The holiday season is upon us, and with Christmas just around the corner, it’s time to spread joy, embrace traditions, and celebrate with loved ones. However, amidst the festivities, it’s crucial to keep in mind some dos and don’ts to ensure a harmonious and enjoyable holiday season for all. Let’s dive into the essential guidelines for navigating Christmas time with grace and goodwill.


  1. Spread Kindness and Generosity:

   – One of the signs of Christmas lies in acts of kindness. Extend a helping hand to those in need, donate to charities, and participate in community service projects. Share the joy of the season with others less fortunate.

2. Respect Traditions:

   – I remember Christmas as a time to visit with extended family, eat jollof rice and chicken with a cold malt drink. Every family has its unique holiday traditions. Respect and embrace these traditions, whether it’s decorating the tree, singing carols, or preparing a special family recipe. It’s a time to create lasting memories.

3. Mindful Gift Giving:

   – Thoughtful gifts reflect the spirit of giving. Consider the recipient’s preferences and choose gifts that show you care. Handmade gifts, personalized items, or experiences can often be more meaningful than expensive presents.

4. Eco-Friendly Celebrations:

   – Opt for sustainable practices during the holidays. Use reusable wrapping paper, reduce single-use plastic, and consider eco-friendly gifts. Make choices that benefit the environment and future generations.

5. Quality Family Time:

   – The holiday season is an excellent opportunity to spend quality time with family and friends. Disconnect from electronic devices and create memorable moments through shared activities, games, or simply enjoying a festive meal together.


1. Overindulgence:

   – While enjoying festive treats is a part of the holiday experience, be mindful of overindulgence. Practice moderation in food and drink to ensure a healthy and happy holiday season.

2. Forcing Traditions:

   – Embrace traditions, but don’t force them upon others. Be open to trying new things and incorporating different customs into your celebrations. Flexibility ensures a more inclusive and enjoyable holiday experience for everyone involved.

3. Last-Minute Rush:

   – Plan ahead to avoid the stress of last-minute shopping or preparations. A well-thought-out plan will help you manage your time efficiently and allow you to enjoy the holiday season without unnecessary pressure.

4. Ignoring Self-Care:

   – Amidst the hustle and bustle, don’t neglect self-care. Ensure you get enough rest, stay hydrated, and take moments for personal relaxation. This will help you stay energized and fully enjoy the festive season.

5. Comparisons and Expectations:

   – Avoid comparing your holiday celebrations to others, especially through the lens of social media. Every family has its unique dynamics and circumstances. Set realistic expectations and focus on creating joy in your own way.

As we approach Christmas with excitement and anticipation, let’s remember the reason for the season: Jesus. Because of this Reason, we can spread love, joy, and connect with friends and family. By incorporating these dos and avoiding the don’ts, we can ensure a harmonious and memorable holiday season for ourselves and those around us. 

May your Christmas be filled with warmth, laughter, and the joy of giving!

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