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Social Media Etiquette for the Elegant Lady

What is social media etiquette?

These are general rules that guide our behaviours and engagement online across different social media platforms. One of the famous phrases about this topic is “the internet doesn’t forget” and this is so true. Information moves faster in this internet-enabled world and most time does not go away. Ensure that you are putting forward your best and true view of yourself. 

Social media etiquette is different for everyone. You have different rules that guide engagement when you are using a business brand account or a personal brand account. The rules also differ per social media platforms too. The way you might banter on Twitter would not be the same way you do on LinkedIn for example. However, in all of these different approaches, some basic things should be evident whether you’re on Facebook or Instagram. 

Keep your audience in mind

Whether for a personal brand or for a business, always keep your audience in mind. Your audience is the people that follow you waiting to see what you post. Consider whether the content you are posting is beneficial on the platforms you are posting to. Know the difference between a public and a private message.

Don’t copy digital content. Give credit where necessary

It’s very easy to copy and paste or to be inspired by a concept, idea or picture you see online. Where necessary, ensure you give credit to where the origin of the concept. 

Don’t click send when you are tired or emotional

In those moments when you are angry, tired or just experiencing deep emotions, take a break from social media. I’ve found out that in those moments there’s a need to want to express yourself and what you’re feeling. An ideal way to do this will be to open your Notes app and type what you are experiencing there. Make your thread there. Insert that picture you would have loved to post. Do everything in your notes app. When you’ve passed through those emotions, you can come back to what you’ve written and edit as necessary if you must post on social media.

Avoid oversharing

Oversharing could come in different ways; announcing your location and checking in to different locations, sharing sensitive pictures and information, sharing personally revealing information etc. Try as much as possible to avoid sharing too much on social media.

Don’t misrepresent yourself

Your online persona should not be a whole 180 degrees from your in-person persona. Be careful to ensure that what you post on social media platforms is an accurate and true representation of who you really are and not just what you want people to see you as. 

Understand each platform’s best practices 

As we said earlier, different social media platforms have different ways of engagement. The messages you post on Twitter might not be appropriate for LinkedIn and vice versa. It 

Be careful with the kind of pictures you post

Don’t post embarrassing or incriminating pictures or videos of yourself, loved ones, or colleagues. Remember the internet doesn’t forget. It might feel fulfilling to post at that moment but do you think you want to see that moment attached to you in 2 years?

Set time limits

I’m sure you don’t want to spend all of your time endlessly scrolling and then looking up and wondering where the time has gone. Yes, it has happened to the best of us.

Don’t bully or gang up on people

Cancel culture has become a recurring part of this generation’s actions on social media. Don’t become a keypad warrior. Let your kindness show even across the internet

Being an elegant lady is an all-around modification of your character – online and in-person. With an even increased online engagement, it is important that you guide your behaviours online too.


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