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Right, Wrong or Inappropriate? Check Out These 10 Behaviours

How do you feel when someone does something to you that you know isn’t wrong but just doesn’t feel right? This post is about things that may or may not be wrong in themselves but are generally deemed as being inappropriate. Here are 10 such behaviours:

  1. Not observing personal space: Standing or sitting too close to people especially when there’s more space for you to scoot. The space around a person is called “personal space”, and there is an unspoken rule about not barging in on a person’s space. Respect people’s personal space especially in places where it is possible to do so.

  1. Looking at people while they take money out of their wallet/purse, or input their pins. Don’t be that person the bank warned us about who is always looking over the shoulder or screen of the next person when they are carrying out financial transactions. 

  1. Leaving the check-out counter at a store to pick up another item when they’re done ringing up all the items you have. Except it’s an emergency, this is improper and wouldn’t augur well with the other shoppers. It is also extremely rude to waste other people’s time unnecessarily, due to your negligence and disorganization.

  1. Playing audio or videos when in public or in the company of others without earphones or headphones. This can be annoying especially when it’s an obviously private conversation and everyone has to pretend like they aren’t listening.

  1. Praying loudly or conducting prayer meetings in public spaces without prior notice to those there. Remember that in a public space you are meant to be tolerant of the other people using the space. Ensure that with your activities you are not infringing on other people’s use of the space.

  1. Using your outdoor voice in confined spaces like cozy restaurants, offices, waiting rooms, etc. We’ve all been out, heard someone and wondered why they were shouting in a seemingly normal conversation. Speaking is an art. Learn to speak with the right tone, pitch and volume.

  1. Staring at the phone screen of people seated or standing next to you without being invited to. Don’t be a nosy neighbour. Keep your eyes to yourself. Sometimes your eyes have nowhere to rest and it unconsciously lands on a screen. Once you notice it, take your eyes off the screen immediately.

  1. Starting to eat your food without waiting for everyone else’s food to be served, except if they insist you go ahead. Eating your food when you’ve been served first is not wrong. However, it is only proper to wait for others at the table to be served, since the idea of eating together is actually eating together.

  1. Speaking your local dialect when the majority of people around don’t speak or understand it. Most times, the reason why people speak their dialect when in a public space is to exclude the other people in the room from the conversation. If you can help it, do try not to do this. You can move your conversation to a more favourable time.

  1. Taking a call while using the bathroom or eating. You really don’t want the other person to hear the chewing noises or other sounds when you are either eating or in the bathroom. It’s not a nice impression of you.

Which other things can you think of that may not exactly be wrong, but are definitely inappropriate? Drop them in the comment section. I am looking forward to reading them.

I also did a video some time ago on FAQs about etiquette. Catch up here.  

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